Our services
We combine our expertise in geographic intelligence and product development technology to provide sustainable & optimised value addition strategies to non-conventional bioresources.
We streamline the mobilisation of your raw materials, intermediates and products to effortlessly reduce emissions and optimise your operations using our in-house geospatial intelligence platform. The platform integrates essential parameters to harness the power of spatial analyses required for making critical geographic based decisions.
Our geospatial intelligence platform provides valuable insights into the location, distribution and characteristics of resources and essential operations. It has already provided solutions in the following space.
Resource inventory and assessment
We conducted resource inventory and assessment on traditional and non-conventional bioresources. The output is a visual presentation of quantified bioresource availability, monitoring changes over time and evaluating potential for exploitation or conservation.
Optimization of resource use
With our extensive experience in manufacturing, we have included the essential factors in our geospatial intelligence platform to provide in depth spatial analysis and modelling. By analysing relevant spatial data on resource availability, demand and network, informed decisions about resource allocation and infrastructure development have been made.
Policy formulation
The platform has provided valuable information for internal policy formulation and decision-making related to bioresource management by our industrial clients. It has found practical solutions in effective resource management policies, predicting future trends in raw material sourcing, identifying potential trade-offs between competing interests and heavily influenced the siting of new facilities.
We foresee extension of these applications on national levels as well as regional levels. Moreover, the platform can generate output for public engagement and education that communicate complex spatial information to stakeholders. Engaging the public in resource management processes fosters transparency, participation and awareness.
We deliver solutions to our clients for maximising resource efficiency, minimising waste and enhancing overall productivity. We specialise in optimising industrial resources by effectively generating value from side streams - the often overlooked by-products of manufacturing and agricultural operations.
With one of our pillars rooting from academic research of non-conventional bioresource utilisation, we are able to trace bioresources to the atom. By coupling this strength with our extensive portfolio of technologies we design bespoke solutions to set our clients on the path to achieving circular economy while generating value to maximise profits. Our side stream engineering has made strides in the following.
Resource recovery
We identify valuable components within waste streams and develop technologies to recover and valorise them. We employ recent scientific research outcomes to develop a cascade of applications for the side stream and run the necessary techno-economic analysis (TEA) to select the most suitable application. This reduces the reliance on virgin resources, improves local production and minimises environmental impact.
Waste minimization
Our side stream engineering strategies have effectively reduced waste generation in production. This minimises the waste disposal cost and rather generates value and revenue for our clients. By doing so, we have generated novel raw materials at a fraction of the cost of traditional raw materials. This has contributed to improving the competitiveness of conventional products all the while allowing clients to focus on production.
Cost savings and alternative revenue source
By recovering resources, valorising side stream and minimising waste, we have substantially cut cost in operations. More so, we have made raw materials available in regions which would otherwise not have and this has slashed down the cost of logistics. Additionally, by generating new raw materials, our clients have been able to create new revenue streams as they find new B2B strategies to enhance their overall operations.
Our operations in side stream engineering continue to play a critical role in advancing sustainability, resource efficiency and environmental performance in industrial processes and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

We combine state of the art technological trends with in-depth market research to bring you the most cost effective products for your go-to-market strategy. We capitalise on our extensive knowledge of raw material composition to design an array of products, and by identifying your strengths develop a bespoke solution to bring you the best value.
Our expertise in product development has delivered solutions in various aspects.
Optimised design and resource efficiency
While maintaining our core value of efficient bioresource utilisation, we have evolved with global trends to offer optimised design for products. We have broken into the realms of using unconventional resources to boost local sourcing and local production. We have redesigned biomanufacturing to eliminate complex bottle-necks in local production. We have co-ordinated a series of B2B product developments by capitalising on our expertise in geospatial intelligence, in-depth knowledge of bioresource composition and formulation strategies.
Innovative technologies
Our network with technology providers to develop cutting edge novel products and processes. As a technology development company, we harness our bird’s-eye view on biomanufacturing to identify solutions to overcome hurdles in technology launch and production. We have collaborated with research institutions, raw material owners and equipment developers to facilitate synergies in product launch renewable energy, novel materials and even digital manufacturing.
Circular economy
Our product development solutions align with resource efficiency, product longevity and material recovery. We drive value for otherwise abandoned bioresources to complement the cycle of resources. This is verified with the appropriate life cycle assessment (LCA) by considering factors such as raw material origins, manufacturing, transportation, use and end-of-life disposal to evaluate the environmental impact of products from cradle to grave. Our clients have been able to find sustainable alternatives, cut down their reliance on virgin materials and minimise waste generation.

“Know your worth” - is a popular saying, which also holds true for resource utilisation. We are often confronted with the question, where and what do we look for in a bioresource? Bioresources can be complex and their composition could vary greatly. With years of experience, we are able to identify the appropriate characterization strategies for bioresources. Alternatively, we can perform the same by considering the client's priorities. We characterise a host of bioresources ranging from agricultural waste, industrial waste, microbial sources etc. We hold a database of 100+ bioresources and continue to grow this database which is an essential guide in future projects.